Choose an animal guide. Or however many you are drawn to..Then read the description below it.
- Black Panther
- Balu the Bear
- Garuda the Eagle/Vulture
Black Panther—3 of Cups/ Minaar (Tower)/ 2 of Cups
It looks like you have been or were celebrating in the recent past, with friends, community. At the current time something sudden and chaotic could have happened. What you relied on, externally or internally, has suddenly crashed. It could be deeply shocking and upsetting but try to remember that for anything new to come up, the old must be demolished. There are buried treasures to be discovered from what has crumbled. Like, for a new house to be constructed, the old one has to be demolished. There is love ahead, there is friendship and deep devotion. So even though the current time may be unsettling there is hope and peace ahead, right now.
2. Balu the Bear—Aashiqan (Lovers), Murshida (High Priestess), 6 of Swords
There was love, perhaps romantic or with the divine or within yourself which you may have lost or chosen to let go of. Now, you could go inward, listen to your intuition—connect to your higher self. Meditate, contemplate, go on a retreat and soon you’ll realise you are safe, protected—you leave your troubles behind and go towards a new dawn. Instead of being stuck in thoughts of the past, no matter how idyllic and beautiful, you need to understand the meaning behind what you chose, consciously and unconsciously.
3 Garuda—4 of Cups/Alchemist (Magician), Shahbanu (Empress)
You have everything you want and yet you are bored, dissatisfied. It does not stimulate you or you feel something is missing. You have a higher purpose, something amazing you dream of doing and you could—as you are a doer, a manifester and you have all the skills you need to create or follow through on the idea you have. What lies ahead then is the Empress, an inner or outer feminine that’s regal, in command, kind, self confident generous and creative. Pull yourself out of your boredom and focus on what you want to manifest.